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Entries in Violin (1)


El Violinista

El violinista,  acompañado por su violín, que llora acordes de melancolía en medio de un mar de desconocidos. A este violinista lo encontré e inmediatamente mi día paso ser cotidiano a uno memorable.  Las cuerdas cantaban en algún lugar sobre el arco iris...

El Violinista tocando "Somewhere over the rainbow"  en el "High Line" New York.


Somewhere over the rainbow 
Way up high 
There's a land that I heard of once in a lullaby 

Somewhere over the rainbow 
Skies are blue 
And the dreams that you dare to dream really do come true 

Someday I'll wish upon a star 
And wake up where the clouds are far behind me 
Where troubles melt like lemon drops 
Away above the chimney tops 
That's where you'll find me 

Somewhere over the rainbow 
Blue birds fly 
Birds fly over the rainbow 
Why then oh why can't I? 

If happy little blue birds fly beyond the rainbow 
Why oh why can't I?